PERTH Firewater Festival
The Perth Firewater Festival is a celebration of Western Australia.
Premium WA origin performing talent
Premium WA crafted beer, cider, wine & spirits
Premium WA food in a variety of styles

What we want
Our vision is simply to provide the highest level of quality service to every vendor, talent and patron. Through innovative planning, we strive to continually offer the most cost effective solutions to generate and create entertaining social experiences for you and your family.

What we Plan
Is to creatively produce and deliver the absolute best events for vendors and talent and show environment for our community – to enjoy every moment of the entire experience. Our mission is to generate repeat business and successful outcomes for all parties involved while producing the events in Australia.

What we Achieved
Is the determination to continually improve. To provide maximised outcomes and memorable experiences for our talent, vendors and patrons. Whilst we are proud of our accomplishments, history is history. So we continue to work to exceed expectations and excel as an industry leader.
Learn About Our KeyS To Successful Events

Ensure that you have everything you require including your ticket (printed paper or on your phone) when you arrive at the gate entry points so you can be quickly and easily swiped in with nothing more to do than enjoy the show. There is no BYO and bags may be serached upon arrival. There will be food and crafted beverages for sale throughout the show evenings. Local hotel accmmodation packages are available to show patrons.

Ensure that you feel well and maintain the 1.5m social distancing rule when lining up to enter the show by using the ground marks. Professional cleaning teams will be regularly cleaning all food areas, ablutions and touch points. Observe the direction of the event staff and security at all times and enjoy the safest event possible.

Come and enjoy a selection of the best WA crafted beverages (craft beer, cider, wine & spirits). Come and enjoy a range of food featuring premium WA produce on site.
Come and see West Australian star performing talent of the show by the Swan River on iconic Langley Park in the heart of Perth. The Firewater Festival aims to celebrate the very best WA has to offer in the best possible way.